Cutting Edge Jigsaw Puzzles

Do it yourself Klein Bottles

Acme proudly introduces a low-cost line of Jigsaw Puzzle Klein Bottles. Igor, our trustworthy stockperson, occasionally finds these not-quite-perfect Klein Bottles in our warehouse floor. Since they fail our stringent topological tests, we have wondered what to do with them.

At long last, you can buy one of these Jigsaw Puzzle Klein Bottles. We include most of the parts necessary to assemble a perfect 3-D immersed Klein Bottle. A few shards may be missing, but you can obtain any missing pieces by carefully carving a wine glass or tossing a rock through your bedroom window. We suggest assembling the kit using any invisible, zero-volume, zero-mass self-sealing cement. Or use an oxy-hydrogen torch to weld the pieces together. You might -- just might -- get a perfect Klein Bottle. Your mileage may vary. [thanks to Ethan Bolker for the spelling correcton] [and further thanks to Aaron Delp for correcting the missspellled word "correction"] [yet more thanks to August Noƫ in pointing out that missspellled may, itself, be mixspelyd]

Each Jigsaw Puzzle is unique -- no two are alike. They are useful to demonstrate the chaotic nature of depolymerization in silicon dioxide membranes. Also helpful as a supply of spare parts in case you need to reassemble a 4-D manifold.

At present, our supplies are limited only by the clumsiness of our staff. As our warehouse is located just 1 kilometer west of the Hayward Fault, we expect more any day now. And with every Jigsaw Puzzle Klein Bottle, we will include a free band-aid.

Acme's Cutting Edge Topology Kit and Jigsaw Puzzle: For only $10, you'll receive lots and lots of puzzle pieces. (Exempt from Acme's Unconditional Guarantee.)

A big, broken Klein Bottle - wish that I hadn't dropped it!

Lost a little chip

I picked this up while it was still hot - Ouch!

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