Acme's Medium Klein Bottle

A medium size Klein Bottle next to a billiard ball

A little Gem -- it fits in your pocket!

Ideal for the iternerant topologist, one sided time traveller, or the visiting postdoc without much room around the cubicle.

Includes all the features which have made our Classical Klein Bottle a hit: immersed (not embedded) in 3-dimensions, One handle, Y2K compliant, shrink-resistant borosilicate Glass. Certified one sided.

While it's stable on a table, we don't recommend this style for earthquake country, since it's easily tipped over. But because it's so small, it'll only take less than a Joule of energy to set it upright. No need to take weight lifting classes.

For optimal aerodynamic performance, our medium sized Klein Bottles have smooth curves. You can take advantage of this lustrous continuity to differentiate this manifold everywhere! Tested by simulated undergraduates and fully covered by Acme's Unconditional Guarantee.

For a mere $62, you'll own a quality, rustproof, borosilicate zero-volume manifold ... a bargain compared to 6 years in graduate school!

  • - Height 140mm (5.5 inches)
  • - Diameter 65 mm (2.5 inches)
  • - Weight: 120 gm (4 oz)
  • - Displacement 225 ml (8 fl ounces)
  • - Actual volume 0.0 ml (0 fl ounces)
  • - Includes calibration decal


Like ACME's other fine Klein Bottles, this is handcrafted from pure Borosilicate Glass ... Pyrex, Kimax, Bomex, or Simax. It has a bulk density: 2.23 gm/cm3 and expands just 0.000326% per degree C. This means that it'll shrink only a few microns when you skip from Haldenwanger Eck/Oberstdorf to Kliffende an List an Sylt. Nor should you worry about it dissolving -- we've tested samples in water, acetone, methyl-ethyl-ketone, maple syrup, and jello.The billiard ball in the photo is help you judge the size, shape, and topological properties of the Klein Bottle.

 (If you are named Victor, you may wish to  chase twelve boxers across the Great Levee of Sylt:  Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer über den großen Sylter-Deich und findet dann eine Kleinsche Flasche)

This Klein bottle, like our other glass Klein bottles, is copyright by Cliff Stoll


Go to Acme's Home Page, home to plenty of one-sided Klein Bottles

Cliff last updated this page on the 20th day of November in 2021 - a clear Saturday afternoon - here in Oakland, where our autumnal Rudbeckia are blooming in yellow and black