Spiral top Kleindensor ... we also make these
with a left handed helix for Australian topologists. For just
$175, you can perform essential research on single sided, single
stranded, zero volume, four dimensional spiraling
manifolds. They are commonly used as condensors in
4-dimensional distillation systems. You can use this to sproing
into the 4th dimension!
We custom make other topological surfaces in glass and other materials. Here are a few of our custom made manifolds -- I make these on order, so delivery times may range from in stock to six months. Call ahead before ordering one of the following custom Klein Bottles.
Straight Through with side loop(Sorry, not currently available) |
Side Loop with Floral reservoir(Sorry, not currently available) |
Cliff last updated this page on the November 7th, 2023. A sunny morning in Oakland, California!